Moved my blog and I will try restart blogging here

It’s been a long while since I blogged here. After we moved to the US keeping up with our family blog, work and starting a new life here in the US, blogging here wasn’t a high priority.

Since we are more or less settled down and I have a little bit more time doing some technical stuff it might be a good time start blogging again.

As you can see the blog moved from to I combined the family blog, my blog and the blog of my wide ( to a multi site wordpress blog.

I did something wrong on the other blog on and couldn’t get it working again, since i wanted to combine all 3 blogs in a single install anyway I took the opportunity to create the new blog, copied over the old posts and configured a permanent redirect (google loves that stuff) so google results and other links should still work.

See you around.

This is also a test post to see if the Jetpack social sharing plugin is working.