How to set configuration in your Universal Windows Application through MDM

One thing I hear over and over again when talking to (enterprise) developers is that they struggle with configuration management for UWP applications. In the past they just edited a app.config (or web.config) file on the machines to point an app to a test, acceptance or production environment. In UWP we have a app.config file as well but it’s hidden away in some obscure directory protected by some more restricted ACL.

Auto updater for my side loaded UWP apps

As I described before, i have a few tasks to solve for my home automation project. One of the things I wanted to do is to be able to update my application on the different devices easily. I could publish my home automation app to the store, but it’s hard to provide a test environment for the store testers and it takes a while when the app gets certified before i can roll it out to all my devices.

Screensaver for my app

One of the things my Home Automation app needs to do is run forever. But I don’t want the screen to burn in either. I can allow the phone to lock the screen but at that time my app isn’t running. I could run some background tasks but there is no way to wake up the app and dismiss the lock screen automatically. Therefore I want an app which runs all the time but has some kind of build in screensaver.